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Homework Policy


Homework benefits students by complementing classroom learning, fostering good study habits and providing an opportunity for students to be responsible for their own learning.


  • To support and extend classroom learning.
  • To develop positive study habits.
  • To develop a responsibility for self-learning.
  • To support school partnerships with parents by connecting families with the learning of their children.


  • The school’s homework policy will be available on the school website and in the information pack.
  • Classroom teachers will set homework appropriate to each child’s skill level and age.
  • Homework activities should be interesting, challenging and where appropriate, open-ended.
  • Each set task must be purposeful, meaningful and relevant to the current classroom curriculum.
  • All homework activities will be monitored with feedback and support provided by teachers.
  • Parents will be encouraged to support the homework expectations.
  • Consideration should be made for the individual needs, abilities, skills and learning styles of students.

Foundation– Year 2

Homework will consist mainly of:

  • reading on a daily basis
  • spelling
  • Mathematics
  • tasks associated with the Victorian Curriculum

Homework will generally not exceed 30 minutes per day. Homework should be balanced with a range of recreational, family and cultural activities.

Years 3– 6

Homework will consist mainly of:

  • independent reading on a daily basis
  • spelling
  • Mathematics
  • tasks associated with the Victorian Curriculum

Homework will generally not exceed 45 minutes per day. Homework should be balanced with a range of recreational, family and cultural activities.

Homework Club may be provided to support students’ access to appropriate resources to complete their homework tasks. Students in Years 5 & 6 may be provided with a homework diary to support organisational skills.


This policy will be reviewed as part of the school’s three-year review cycle.


Policy last reviewed 

July 2021

Approved by 


Next scheduled review date 

July 2024