2025 enrolments are now open. Enquiries welcome 9560 6371. Book a tour or Enrol now.

Student Engagement & Wellbeing
Glen Waverley South Primary School’s vision is underpinned by the values of RESPECT, highlighted through our focus on:
Trust and Honesty
At Glen Waverley South Primary School, our school values of RESPECT are embedded throughout all curriculum areas.
Student engagement and wellbeing is supported and assessed through the wellbeing program: ‘The Resilience Project’. The aim of this program is to develop students’ resilience and happiness by providing practical, mental health strategies. The program is centred on the values of Empathy, Gratitude and Mindfulness.
All levels follow the curriculum which includes teacher resource books, student journals containing 10-30 lessons depending on the year level and a resource hub. The lessons are taught on a weekly or fortnightly basis and consist of engaging, hands on activities, collaborative team work and reflection time which are all important aspects of student learning.
‘The Resilience Project’ curriculum is aligned with the Victorian Curriculum and addresses the achievement standards in the Personal and Social Capabilities and the Health and Physical Education learning areas. Teachers assess student achievement accordingly.